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Terms and Conditions

I agree to receive text messages from AutoBank representatives and understand that no consent to texting is required for purchase of products or services.

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Additional Terms and Conditions

In order to qualify for this program you must meet the following conditions:

* You have been Pre-Selected for an Auto Loan from $5,000 to $20,000

* These criteria include a minimum verifiable gross monthly income of $1,400 as well as show Yearly Average of same income

* Your vehicle payment cannot exceed 15% to 30% of your gross monthly income

* Your vehicle payment plus your other current monthly payments must not exceed 40% to 60% of your gross monthly income

* You must continue to meet the criteria used to select you for this offer and our credit worthiness criteria

* That your down payment meets our equity requirements; and that you furnish the required vehicle. Any equity deficit in your current vehicle must be paid or refinanced with your new vehicle

* Your Driver License must be valid and not suspended

* Any Parking Tickets and or Speeding Violation has been settled with the issuing municipality. If you have Payment Plan, please bring it.

* You Must Be an IL Resident